Monday, January 16, 2006

Tragedy of the Commons - 25 Feb 2006

Y'all come to discuss the tragedy of the commons at 9 am, probably in Room 3 at Trinity UMC, Wilmette, IL. Larry handed out a reading packet, but it's all online as well! Here goes

Wikipedia article (a nice summary with additional links at the end)

The seminal article by Garret Hardin "Tragedy of the Commons"

Same article as published in Science magazine - with additional material

See how it works: two interactive games that demonstrate the "tragedy"
The Bunny Game and
The Nuts Game - played on a coffee table with your "friends"

Descriptive summary article in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (a freedom advocacy think tank)

Daniel McFadden in Forbes, linking the ideas to the digital/internet world

Bruce Yandle for The Independent Institute (also includes a Spanish translation)

Robert Lucky in IEEE Spectrum - particularly on World Wide Web applications

R. De Young's essay on durable common pool resource managment

That seems like a lot of freedom-oriented tosh, so I'll complement it with
Something from Sojourners - proud to be a bunch of left-wing evangelicals.
And something from Whole Earth (formerly Review)

Peace be with you,



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